This is my third season burning and I've finally got truly seasoned wood. However, I'm starting to think maybe it would be better if my wood wasn't so dry... For my third load today, I put in 5 medium sized splits, which isn't even a full load. Within 10 minutes of reloading, I had the air control turned all the way down as the secondaries were very fierce. About 30 minutes later, the temp and is up around 850 degrees, measured just in front of the flue collar! It kind of looked like the front edge of the baffle was glowing very faintly, but hard to tell when the fire is raging. I turned the fan on max speed and twenty minutes later the temp is still above 800...Also, it is 53 degrees outside, so the draft isn't even super strong tonight. Any tips to keep this thing under control, or maybe it is normal to cruise at 800? Someone convince me this is alright, before I start putting my wood out to soak in the rain.