I envy all you easterners that have so many hardwoods to choose from. Here in northern Arizona, we were permitted by the Forest Service to harvest firewood from the Rodeo-Chedeski fire that burned almost half-million acres. The best wood in our area is shaggy bark cedar and alligator juniper. You find a good area where the fire just singed the outside of the trees, and the bark just falls off with excellent seasoned wood inside. There is also lots of Ponderosa pine, but it is starting to rot and is not the best even under normal circumstances. The cedar and juniper are really pretty good firewoods, lots of snap, crackle and pop but with a pleasing aroma. You kind of look like a coal miner after cutting, splitting and stacking a load of it! It was devastating to the area, but harvesting the wood, I guess, is making the best of bad situation.