Correct. My company pays 90% of the bill, I just the remaining 10%
That is the big problem with healthcare costs is to most working folks with benefits and politicians do not see the actual costs. Guaranteed when the employer is figuring out your pay, they factor in the "all in" cost as you as an employee which includes healthcare. Large employers also have to insure everyone so the overall risk pool size in increased which give them lower pricing per employee. They also are covering in theory somewhat healthy employed people so that means they do not have to deal with big risks like elderly or folks too unhealthy to work. Thus the difference between my Cobra rate of around $350 a month which was my employers out of pocket cost and the $1000 a month I need to pay for an ACA policy.
One of the reasons a typical middle income person's pay hasn't gone up is that the raises are just going in to pay the steep yearly healthcare increases. Get a control on healthcare costs and that means more money in everyone's pockets except for the middlemen running the costs up.
My deceased dad was a 20 year air force reservist WW2 vet. He would comment on occasion that it was the best part time job he had as with the exception of his medicare contributions his healthcare and drugs were free after age 65 and even after he passed my mom gets the same treatment. He made it to 97 so that was 32 years of coverage and expect my mom will be around for a few more.