OK....so we have been using our Equinox now for about a month with pretty much 24/7 burn time. So far,I average 3 loads per day, with consistant stovetop temps from 275-300 on the low side, and 400-450 on OUR high side. I keep an eye on our stove pipe temps and seem to steady and stay at 350-400 for the duration of a medium/low burn rate setting on the damper. So,with that said, I am averaging 8 hours before reloading, and house temps from low side 70 to 76 in single digit to mid teen outside temps, and 75-81 for temps in the 20's and 30's.
So.....heres my question to all of you!! What are YOUR numbers??? I have read in some of the other posts at which some temps are what I would say, seem high, or too high to me. Thats according to the mag mount thermometers I have and judge my operations by. One post stated that they operate with stove top temps in the 600's on an euqinox??? If I recall, the highest I have had my stove top was to 500....
Reading the manual, I did not find any temperature ranges out of all 29 pages listed, just guidelines to follow....so.....let me know how you all operate your stoves.
So.....heres my question to all of you!! What are YOUR numbers??? I have read in some of the other posts at which some temps are what I would say, seem high, or too high to me. Thats according to the mag mount thermometers I have and judge my operations by. One post stated that they operate with stove top temps in the 600's on an euqinox??? If I recall, the highest I have had my stove top was to 500....
Reading the manual, I did not find any temperature ranges out of all 29 pages listed, just guidelines to follow....so.....let me know how you all operate your stoves.