What a test for our new boiler. Just to get everyone on the same page I'm running a BioMass 60. Been up for 2 months. I'm having so many issues I'm about to go out and purchase some seasoned wood so I can get a working baseline. I'm currently running propane and the boiler to keep the house warm during this very unusual cold snap. I'm getting good blue flame, but its like the transfer tubes are insulated. But that could be because of the non-seasoned wood. I feel like I'm back in Math classes where I have more variables (unknowns) than I have equations... a problem can't be solved if you have more unknowns than equations. I've been giving a bunch of thought to a wood boiler "dyno" so I can figger out what the heck is going on, i.e. temp probes and oxygen sensors, etc. I've discovered that you can't have too many temp gages in the system. Not too frustrated yet because I know I haven't begun to establish a good operating baseline.