This is the 2nd year burning our used Harman Advance. Last year, no wood smell at all. For the last 2 weeks we have had to deal with a burnt pellet smell. When looking at the Advance, the smell only comes from the RIGHT side blower vent. It smells like burnt pellet about 35 minutes after start-up, when it's really cranking out the heat. A week ago I blew out the upper vents with the air compressor-nothing. I've opened the door, checked the seal(which seems to be fine), and smelled while door open, only to smell the burnt pellet smell coming out the right vent again. I also took back/right side panel off, and did find a "stuck" half burnt pellet right behind the back wall. My biggest question is, "Why would I be smelling the "smell" only from the right vent and not the others, since they are all one?