You do so much work on your garden! I’m jealous!
I’m up to about 1/3rd planted. I’m getting there slowly.
The pie is gone. As a new superfood, I ate it for lunch too.
We’re cooking up some Good King Henry tonight for the 1st time. The raw leaf tastes like spinach at first, but has a bit of an after taste that’s bitter. Maybe like gay lan, I bet I spelled that wrong. It’s been growing for a few years. Hopefully it’ll become a favorite. Supposedly it gets more bitter as the season progresses, so maybe I need to start earlier.
I’m up to about 1/3rd planted. I’m getting there slowly.
The pie is gone. As a new superfood, I ate it for lunch too.
We’re cooking up some Good King Henry tonight for the 1st time. The raw leaf tastes like spinach at first, but has a bit of an after taste that’s bitter. Maybe like gay lan, I bet I spelled that wrong. It’s been growing for a few years. Hopefully it’ll become a favorite. Supposedly it gets more bitter as the season progresses, so maybe I need to start earlier.