I decided to give it a try. I mixed several varieties of lettuce seed, including the Moroccan type, with some green onion seeds, small radish seeds, and green onion seeds, and my little ones and I sowed them generously in between the lettuce that’s already growing in the garden. I’ll need to keep surface watering, but I have some pole beans I just seeded along the arched trellis, so I’ll just do the full bed with the watering cans. Hopefully I can get some germination.
The lettuce row is in the front of the picture. In the background you can see the potato foliage along the side and the garlic beds in the middle of the garden. The garlic grew a lot in our warm, warm December and was hit hard by some freezes in January. It grew back but has never looked quite as good as I would like. At least it’s still got time.
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The same day that I seeded the salad row, I also transplanted tomatoes. They were getting so tall that I’ve been having a hard time keeping them watered in the sun and wind (it has been really dry here), and I decided that instead of bringing them back inside for strong weather, I’d just bury them deeply in the garden. The soil is pretty warm even if the air temperature dips a bit for a couple of nights. I have mostly indeterminate varieties set along my trellises, but I have a few smaller varieties in cages.
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The onions are coming along. Now that the equinox is past, they should start bulbing up. I’ve pulled a few for using as green onions, and I’ve noticed just a few starting to put up flower stalks. It’s no surprise with the crazy weather we’ve had this year..
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I harvested some beets and greens the other night for our supper. I still have a few in the back of one onion bed. I plan to put squash there when we’ve eaten the beets.
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And just for fun a shot of my asparagus bed. I’m a bit worried that nothing has come up yet. Last year the early shoots started at the end of February. I’m thinking that our warm weather went on so, so long this year that the plants didn’t think it was winter till January. I don’t know if last year was early or if this year is late or both, but I’ll feel happier if some shoots appear.
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