I'm still amazed at how the stove controls what is happening inside.
Case in point, I am almost running out of wood but have half a face cord of sassafras left. It was CSS this summer, but is still 22% or so when I measure farther than an inch into the split (on a fresh surface) - infact you can even see it being a bit darker inside for.the first 15 minutes after splitting.
So, I split them into pieces of 1.5-2" max and criss cross stack them 5 ft or so from the stove, with a fan that switches on for 5 mins every hour to blow out what humid air may be hanging inside. After 4 days it is good to go.
I use his overnight, thinking I will leave the remnant maple and cherry that I have for when I really want heat, i.e. during the day. It's okay for our night's to get down to 60.
I stuff the box with tiny splits, char, dial down, and it runs for a crazy 14 hrs @ a Tstat setting of 3 o'clock. On tiny splits of the lightest, softest wood I know apart from balsa...
I'd expected it would run out early morning, and I'd reload with good wood. But it keeps the home @65+ and does so for 14 hrs...
I think this stove does not convert energy from wood to heat, it simply creates it, using some wood to fool us in thinking we are what matters...