I grew up in other places, so we possibly have very different definitions of urbanization.

I can't see another house from my house, but I can always hear traffic... almost 20 years in and I still haven't acclimated to that.
The Home Depot in Riverhead carries a Rheem heat pump water heater for $1300, and LIPA will cut you a $650 rebate check on that puppy. Sell your old oil fired water heater on craigslist (I got $500 for mine), and it's almost free. I spent another $75 on pipe and parts, and ended my oil bill forever for around a $200 investment. Put it in heat pump only mode, and you'll barely even see it running on your usage graphs. Pretty sure it paid for itself in the first month or two.
I run my BK on ~12 hour cycles most of the heating season, with short hot burns as needed in winter. Crazy thing can go 24 hours with a full load and dry wood, though.
My favorite burn is the catch-up burn where I pack her full of pine during a cold snap and let her rip. You get a fun transformation from a black box that pumps out heat to a little inferno in the living room. I guess I'll be seeing that a lot less this year.