I was just on the smartstove website forum and I seen the post that you plan on modifying your princess,
have you started yet, curious to know why you would do that to a BK since the system works great as is.
I would think such a modification would void your warranty.
Oh man, the secret is out, don't tell Chris...lol... kidding

Have spoke with him a few times about my project. I'm not worried about the warranty, especially the Cat, My line of work is Performance and Durability testing on Catalyst for a large Catalyst co.
You may have noticed on Dan's Smart Stove web site that the featured installs involve heavy modding of the stoves air system. Not a big deal to cut and weld on a $700 stove, well kinda. Not going to cut up a 3k stove.

My set up will not require any permanent changes to the stove. I plan to control the air before it enters the current air control. This way i can use either control system if need be.
I would say the bimetallic spring works as intended. A low cost and effective system that works pretty darn good.
I do see room for improvement in response time of the system. As in, I don't see any air valve movement until i drop 200f stove top. it is also slow to close and overshoots temps. not hating on BK at all, awesome stove and even better customer service

I will temp graph both systems. Combustion control is a big part of what i do in Catalyst testing, why not give it a shot on a Cat stove.
Actually I'm a control freak...lol
Not sure if i am supposed to post links, if not please delete.
If your curious as to what Smart Stove is all about. (broken link removed to http://inveninc.com/SmartStoveForum/index.php)