Sounds very familiar
5:50 am - get up for work
6:50 am - arrive at work, on conference calls with India by 7:30am
rest of the day - work punctuated by conference calls with various other offices here and abroad
4:30~5 pm - home from work, spend an hour playing with the twins
6pm dinner
6:30pm bath time for the kids
7:30pm bed time for the kids
8:30pm if the kids are acting up we just finished putting them back into their cribs for the 4th time
8:30-9pm - spend a half hour in the garage grinding old gasket cement off the Encore interior panels so I can hope to put it back together before October
9pm - listen to the Mrs remind me we never spend any quality time without the kids
9pm-10pm get back on the phone for work to do conference calls with China
10pm think about all the old house projects I haven't even started on, including the front windows where the glass is about to fall out
10:30pm fall asleep exhausted having done nothing on said house projects