
  • Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
  1. A

    Help me identify Avalon stove model please

    Was using the stove for the second time this year and caught a log while closing the door. As you can see, I cracked the glass and will need to replace it :(. Problem is, I cannot figure out what exact model of stove I have. I'm hoping someone here might be able to help me identify the stove...
  2. C

    In Need of Advice-Thelin Gnome

    Hello! New to the world of pellet stove ownership and I am having some troubles. My Wife and I recently bought our first home and it has a Thelin Gnome Parlour 3000. Just bought a pallet of pellets and the stove started to make a high pitched squeal. The sound isnt constant and occurs more...
  3. B

    Need help with chimeny adaptor.

    I recently bought a house that was built in 1984. Previous owners covered up original wood stove hearth. I have restored the hearth but can't figure the correct pipe to connect to chimney transition. Coming out of the brick chimney, horizontally is a 8 inch pipe with another 5 inch pipe in the...
  4. T

    Found: Atlanta Stove Works cook stove

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone could tell me the possible year of a cook stove I found. It is from the Atlanta Stove works company and it is labeled "Winner". There is a number on the top: 8316. I have scoured the internet and can't find any information indicating the year of this stove. I did...
  5. T

    Success with (Logwood 1269E)

    I was wondering if anyone had experience with a Logwood 1269E. I am researching into various solutions for a stove top and found that this could product could function as a heating unit and as well as a stove top for cooking. I am looking for other members in the forum who have first hand...
  6. T

    Insert used as a stand alone wood stove

    A friend of mine has a insert in his house that is not in a fireplace. It stands alone in the corner of a room with brick under it and behind it , so that the exterior walls or floor do not get too hot. My question is that is this a hard thing to do..His was working well and it was very hot...
  7. M

    Converting a gas Fireplace to Wood Burning Stove HELP.

    Hello Everyone, I need some help. I want to make sure that I do the right job and that whatever I do is safe. I recently bought a home, with a gas fireplace. The inspector said that the fireplace in its current condition is dangerous and that it used to be a wood fireplace and was covered to...
  8. N

    Help identifying gas fireplace

    We recently bought a house with a gas direct vent fireplace. The plate with the info on brand and serial number is missing and when turning it on and having the gas company look at it we discovered there's a small leak where the pilot tubing hooks to the control because it doesn't have the...
  9. E

    Greetings and Help Please

    Hello, My name is Tanya and I've been scouring the internet trying to find this stove's model number. Can anyone help?
  10. bworre71

    What are FINES

    I have been doing some reading in regards to "FINES" with pellets..... my auger is getting clogged and FINES has been coming up....... how do I know what the FINE is of the pellets I am burning..... what is better a low number or a high one....... so confused and frustrated so I am not sure.....
  11. bworre71

    Westpoint Frustration

    Good Morning, looking for some suggestions My Stove is driving me bananas I kept breaking hitch pins clogging up and burning out motors. I recently upgraded to the Nylatron Upgraded Bearing, wire brushed everything and I am still getting clogs. My stove does not like hardwood pellets, so I...
  12. S

    Help Identifying Stove

    I see it says "vermont castings" on the side. I've not been able to find any pictures that looks quite like it. Any help identifying the model and verifying it is indeed a wood stove (rather than gas) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much for any help!
  13. J

    Breckwell p24 Blazer combustion blower help!

    Hey guys! So I have a Breckwell p24 freestanding and I seem to need a new combustion blower the part number is a-e-027 from breckwell, but that would need to be ordered. I was coming here to ask all of you if there is ANY acceptable replacement part that I might be able to find easier or more...
  14. N

    Purchasing Help Please

    I'm having a really hard time deciding which wood stove to buy. I am replacing an old insert with a free standing unit. It needs to have a rear facing flue, and fit within 28 1/2ish high X 35 wide. I have looked at the Vermont Castings Encore Flexburn but decided against it due to some things I...
  15. B

    Throwing sparks: 2010 Hampton Hi300

    Fellow Burners, Help. After loading stove this morning, noticed one and then two more a parks shooting out from vent above door. I shut her down immediately for safety concerns and called dealers. 1. Coals were still red from overnight. 2. Shut off blower, opened door, stirred coals, put in...
  16. J

    Help - New House with Fisher Stove - Questions for first time user

    Hi all! I'm in NC awaiting this winter storm and need help with my wood stove! Short story: can I use this stove safely if our power goes out? Fire bricks are badly cracked and I've never used this before Long story: we just bought a house a few months ago and I've never used a wood stove...
  17. N

    HELP - Need advice asap!

    Hello all! I'm new to this forum so please bear with me! Please, I need your help, our home is freezing and our electric bill is through the roof. I need opinions, advice, and words of wisdom! Our story in a nutshell- my wife and I recently purchased our first, new home in June in...
  18. M

    Help with Earth 365 Rancher

    I am new to the wood boiler world. Bought an old house that has an Earth 365 rancher. I am working on some issues. The main problem I have is that when I open the return valve it pushes water from the incoming water supply not from the pump. They have put a plate heat exchanger in before it hits...
  19. O

    New house, never had a wood stove before

    So we just moved into a new house a few weeks ago. It is 1800 sqft on the main floor with the same sqft in the basement(unfinished). The main floor has a fireplace and the basement has a wood stove. They use the same chimney but different flues. I have used the fireplace a few times, I dont have...
  20. R

    Should I install a blower?

    Hello, When we purchased this house it had a wood burning inset installed in the den but it doesn't have a blower. There is a nice gap underneath where a blower could be installed, but I don't want to do anything that might burn down my house. There is a metal plate on the inside upper right...
  21. bworre71

    Hudson River West Point

    Good Morning, I have a westpoint stove. Trying to get it up and running for the new season. When I turn the stove on it gets burning and then the flame, backdrafts (best word i can think of) into the pot I open the door and the flame comes back up. It never turns the room blower on and then...
  22. W

    Need Help! I am stuck in smokes!

    Hi, I am new to wood stoves, so I am reaching out to the experts for help. I recently purchased Woodstock Soapstone Absolute Steel stove. Unfortunately the stove / setup is not working well and I do not know what the issue is... The issue: When I try to burn paper in the stove, it burns well...
  23. The DuRochers

    Vermont Castings Montpelier - problem heating space

    Hello Everyone ... my Husband and I recently purchased a VC Montpelier wood burning insert and had it installed by our Chimney guy (who is excellent - he has serviced our 5 fireplaces for the last 2 years + did a liner for our new boiler last year) so I do not think the install is the issue. The...
  24. T

    Liner questions. Drolet escape 1800i install.

    I just bought a drolet escape 1800i to go into an existing masonry fireplace. clay flue. I measured up top and it is roughly 6-5/8" x 9" inside the clay. Existing fireplace is some kind of heatilator. Looking up through the damper plate it appears the heatilator goes up turning into a square...
  25. T

    need help with drolet into old fireplace

    I'm getting ready to hopefully put a drolet escape 1800i into my existing fireplace which appears to be some kind of old heatilator unit. I'm a bit confused with some of the information I've been pouring over. Is this a zero clearance? Can I fit this or another insert into this? House is about...
  26. forrest 17724

    Quadrafire Classic Bay pellet stove won't light

    I have a quadrafire classic bay 1200. the heating element wont get hot. I have replaced the element with a new one. if you start a fire by hand, the stove functions normaly. I haven't run across a post with this sort of a situation.. looking for some guidance. thanks everyone!
  27. L

    Steps to take to maintain fireplace and its room

    HI, so my family bought a house and my room will have a fireplace in it. I have never used or seen a fireplace being used and since it will be in my room, i have a few questions about fireplace. My main concern is, the rest of my family is not too fond of the smell of burning wood and i don't...
  28. StinkyFlueStu

    Follow up on my stinky flu/fireplace

    Hi! Back in April, I started a thread about my stinky flue. I got some very helpful people responding, but it became clear that I had left some info out, plus pics were requested. I meant to just update that thread, but I got sidelined due to multiple family emergencies. So, here's a brand new...
  29. S

    Dutchwest 2462 Conundrum

    Hi Guys, I've been looking at these forums for a few months and really appreciate the back and forth and wealth of information there is to find. I have a specific issue. My fiance loaded wood in the stove facing the glass and slammed the front door shut and broke the front glass. I know where...
  30. C

    Big E Help, caught fire?

    HELP!!! I have a Breckwell Big E I bought used and it had been running great for about 3 - 4 weeks. Two nights ago the inside of the stove caught fire, the silicone around the metal adapter that goes from the blower to the chimney caught fire. Before I could get the back panel off to put it...