
  • Active since 1995, Hearth.com is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
  1. SteveHyper

    Jotul 602N - Damper? Gasket size?

    I just got a Jotul 602N which I'm about to install, wondering if anyone with experience of these would recommend fitting a damper to the flue pipe to control the burn? It's going to be in a wooden barn with a fairly short (3-4 meter) twin wall chimney if that makes a difference. Also the door...
  2. J

    Top cap damper in steel firebox

    Hey all, I'm new here and took a look around and haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. I just bought a home and the heatilator fireplace has a metal firebox with a throat damper that is very in need of being replaced. Advice of home inspector was to cut it out and install a top cap damper...
  3. D

    HearthStone II damper

    Hi All, I am new to this forum, while I was trying to find the solution of my problem I came across this forum and it seems very knowledgeable peoples are here. My problem is that I have a hearthstone II wood stove which I think installed in my home by previous owner. While I was using wood...
  4. S

    Frozen Damper?

    We bought our house in July & had the sweep come and inspect & clean the fireplace. Wood burning, located in the basement (walk out). He replaced the cap on the chimney at that time. We have used the fireplace a handful of times since. Last night went to start a fire & the damper wouldn't...
  5. V

    Push damper and fire goes out

    Once the fire gets going, and we push back the damper, the fire goes out. It doesn't seem like it's getting enough because we have to open the ash ash pan to let air in. This seems dangerous. It's a Defiant Encore Vermont Castings.
  6. W

    Clayton model 1800 questions.

    I just installed a model 1800 wood/coal furnace. I burned it last night and man does it pump out the heat. My question is should I have a damper installed in the flue pipe to kinda choke the stove down some. The previous owner did not use one in the 5 years he had it. It does have a baffle rod...
  7. NorEast

    Slider Damper Possibly Stuck

    Hi all Pulled my Enviro EF2 apart today to clean. When I pull all the parts from the firebox for cleaning I can see the damper which is pushed in all the way and leaves a space of about 3/4". Should it be no space. If I try to push it further it jams and I have to fight to free it. It makes a...
  8. I

    How do I get more heat?

    I have a 1988 Whitfield WP2. I have the old control board, the one with the dials for the feed and the other dial controls both fans. I just can't seem to get enough heat out of it. It has the tubes that transport the heat from the front, but then it also has two more holes on the sides that...
  9. tlooney

    Enviro Milan Stuck Damper

    I have an older Enviro Milan and the Damper appears to have rusted in place. I was able to loosen it up with some WD40 after removing the stove and getting underneath it. Does anyone have any experience with this and is there a good fix?
  10. 19glendale

    Damper Removal?

    Looking to get my project of a small freestanding stove (Century S244 (same firebox as Drolet Pyropak)) into my masonry fireplace underway. I need to begin by removing the damper. It is integral to the masonry hearth, as the rotating activator handle is on the front face of the mantle. The...
  11. D

    Chimney needs replacement rain cap with 12" long attachment sleeve

    Hello Hearthers! First time poster here with a question about rain caps. Here's a synopsis of my chimney: Age: approx 31 years Appliance: fireplace only Fuel: wood log only Height: 22 feet Construction: 6' x 2' wood chase with veneer "brick" mortared to exterior Flue: Round, 9" ID x 14"...
  12. N

    Hearthstone I - newbie burning fast

    Evening all... I'm a wood stove newbie and just inherited a HearthStone I. I was well cared for, chimney was swept regularly. I have fully read up on the instructions and posts on burning, but wanted to check with you all to see if i'm missing something. I put about 4 logs on started it up...
  13. WallaWallaDoug

    Old Blaze King Parts

    I have recently acquired a Blaze Princess insert PFF 403. I believe it is a model from the 80's. It's in pretty decent shape but it is missing what I believe to be a damper control on the top rear exhaust of the stove. there is just a rectangle opening with nothing to slow or damper down the...
  14. N

    New Top-Lock Damper- Smokey Smell

    Good afternoon - just discovered this site and hoping I could get some advice. I'm a new homeowner. My house has a masonry fireplace in the den. Based on the recommendations of some friends, I installed last week a Lock-Top damper after I expressed some concern about heat loss through the...