I rarely come into this area of the site but I have a question about my log splitter. Is it difficult to change out the hydraulic fluid and filter them? I have a Husky from Tractor Supply and have never changed out the fluid. I inherited it from my dad and I'm not sure he ever did either. We do about 5-8 cord a year with it. Those things sure do take a beating although I had to have a friend reforge the wedge cause I broke it with a tough piece of White Ash and once they start to give it doesn't stop. What my friend did with it, some of you out there may want to do this, you know how wedge it hollow on top? He welded a peice over the whole top so it can't give anymore. Seems to work great and no more chips and dirt getting down into hollow area either. If changing the fluid is too much work I'll have it done, but I hate spending money on something I try to do to save money.