Woodcutter Tom
Feeling the Heat
I used two welders. Stick welded with 7018AC the lower indented area. I ran a full rod lengths across the section. I was not concerned about warping for two reasons: 1. it already was indented from the manufacturing process and that is what I was trying to fix and 2. there is a lot of structure supporting that section.Nice work! Hope it works out this winter. How long a bead did you weld at a time? My concern would be warping the front?
For the bead I used a 90 amp welder with .030 " flux core wire. There was not excessive heat from this set up. I ran each side as best I could. I am a self taught novice. I was not stacking dimes. There was a lot of grinding and redoing. I needed to fill in gaps and had to change the corners to properly follow gasket path. It was a lot longer process than I expected.