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The price of Fuel Oil and Gasoline may be in the vicinity of a dollar a
gallon, but the true cost is much more. An illustration may show the difference
more graphically.
A widely reported recent study in a Snow-Belt state pointed out that #10
million dollars annually was spent on salt to clear the roads. However,
the same study pointed out that the state spends $500 million annually to
repair damage done to roads, cars, bridges, and the environment by salt.
The price of the salt is $10 million but the cost of using it is $10 plus
$500 million or $510 million.
An alternative chemical, having zero impact on roads, cars, and environment,
is available. Its price is ten times as much as salt ($100 million), but
its total cost is the same as its price. Thus, using the alternative will
generate $410 million of positive cash flow to the public coffers. Simple
decision, right? The proverbial "no-brainer". (Unfortunately,
the state decided to keep on using salt, using for justification the same
logical gyrations that keep us thinking that oil is cheap. The imperfections
of the political process are another subject, however).
Think it through.
Oil costs the same as the spring water in my office bubbler. The spring
water is bountiful, comes from the next town, requires no treatment or refining,
and passes through a minimal distribution chain. And since the spring that
produces the water is constantly being replenished, the cost of raw material
is nothing.
Oil, by contrast, comes from many feet under the sands of the Mideast. It
is a rare commodity, found in only a few locations. The supply is finite.
It's purchased from foreign governments (who we know are becoming rich from
the revenues), transported to refineries (themselves a great source of pollution),
loaded onto supertankers, shipped halfway around the globe. It then goes
through several distribution tiers before winding up in your basement for
the same price as that spring water from the next town. Two conclusions
are possible: either the spring water business is the most profitable enterprise
known to man and we are fools not to be in it, or the price of oil is significantly
less than its cost.
What is the real cost of oil? The figure is so obscured that we can only
guess at it. We know that the consumer in Europe who is buying oil that
comes from beneath the same sands as does ours is paying $4.50-$5.00 per
gallon. Since the oil is the same, the only difference is how these governments
and ours have chosen to depict the cost.
Is is a simple matter to think of other factors that should be considered
in the cost of oil. Two words, "Gulf War", could have substantial
impact. What about the cost of protecting shipping lanes and cleaning up
oil spills? What are the environmental costs of unbridled consumption encouraged
by the artificially low price? You need more of an intellect than mine to
properly quantify these into dollars, but id does not take a genius to recognize
the cause and effect between our current fiscal crisis (national deficit,
collapse of the banking industry, and recession) and the artificially low
price of oil.
The Energy Crisis of the 1970's, unpleasant as it was, shocked the nation
to action. President Carter called the need for conservation " The
Moral Equivalent of War". Ant the programs worked, but we did not like
the taste of the medicine and promptly returned to the excessive "prosperity"
of the 1980's, increasing our reliance on foreign oil with each succesive
year. The momentum on conservation was lost. Solar tax credits were repealed,
and the miles per gallon requirements for cars were scaled back. Many of
us, but especially the Ivan Boeskys, Micheal Milkens and Donald Trumps of
the world, thoroughly enjoyed the ride, but now most of us are facing the
harsh reality of our energy irresponsibility. Don't look to our government
to bail us out. The special interest are all for "cheap power"
and will do almost anything to keep the status quo. As for Congress, they
are chameleons who will respond to the issues that the polls tell them will
result in re-election. That leaves it up to you.
As a nation we have proved too individualistic to band together toward a
common goal, unless a good war is involved. OK, lets go back to Jimmy Carter's
concept and declare war, but a war where compact fluorescent lightbulbs
replace bombs and Wood Burning Stoves subsitute for tanks. It's a war we
will lose only if, as we did in the 1980's, we stop fighting.
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