Links to Related Places
Site Name:Axe Information
Site Owner: Gränsfors Bruks AB, Axe Makers
Description: Axe and Firewood information of all types
My Comments: Great info and good products. How to use axes, throw axes, etc. Tips on splitting firewood and more.....
Site - All About Chimneys
Site Owner: Accolade Group Internet Publishing
Description: An online “book” about chimneys, fireplaces and stoves.
My Comments: Customer as well as Trade links elsewhere on site
Site Name:Stovesonline
Description: Stovesonline is a UK company that supplies wood burning stoves, chimney liner, stove flue pipe, free installation design, and lots and lots of help and advice. Their Workshopstoves division provides stoves which will burn offcuts, logs, shavings and even sawdust.
Site Name
Site Owner:The Fireplace Marketing Company Limited
Description: is the portal for the British fireplace industry. It brings together a wealth of information and all the best names to help you find exactly what you want
Site Name:Good Book on Wood Burning
Site Owner: Magic Sweep
Description: Information that will allow you to be more comfortable with your fireplace, gas logs, or woodburning stove. General information about the chimney is included as well.
My Comments: Great book published online for no cost.
Site Name:Hearth and BBQ Products Association
Site Owner: Hearth products Association
Description: Trade Organization site with links to consumer and trade information.
My Comments: Lots of info
Site Name:Masonry Heater Association
Site Owner: Masonry Heater Association, a Trade Group
Description: A masonry heater has the ability to store a large amount of heat. You can rapidly burn a large charge of wood without overheating your house. The heat is stored in the masonry thermal mass, and then slowly radiates into your house for the next 18 to 24 hours.
My Comments: Lots of information and links to information on fireplaces, outdoor BBQ’s and even masonry bread ovens.
Site Name:Midwest Renewable Energy Association
Site Owner: Midwest Renewable Energy Association
Description: A nonprofit network for sharing ideas, resources, and information with individuals, businesses, and communities to promote a sustainable future through renewable energy and energy efficiency.
My Comments: Nice grass roots org which sponsors a large yearly Energy Fair in the Midwest.
Site Name:Pellet Fuels Institute Trade Group
Site Owner: Pellet Fuels Institute
Description: Information and links covering the Wood Pellet Industry
My Comments: Everything and more of what you need to know about Pellets. Consumer and Trade information.
Site Name:Rumford Fireplaces
Site Owner: Buckley Rumford Co.
Description: Information on efficient masonry fireplaces
My Comments: Log of links to other masonry information all over the net. Great Site!
Site Name:Solstice
Site Owner: CREST (center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology
Description: Solstice is the Internet information service of the Renewable Energy Policy Project and the Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (REPP-CREST), and is your site for sustainable energy and development information
My Comments: Large site with links to vitually every site on the net with Energy Efficiency content.
Site Name:Wood Heat
Site Owner: The Wood Heat Organization Inc
Description: A nonprofit, nongovernmental agency dedicated to the responsible use of wood as a home heating fuel.
My Comments: Lofs of planning and general information for wood burning.

Please suggest additional links to [email protected].

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