Gentlemen, I'm in the planning stages of a makeover for our zero clearance fireplace. I plan strip everything off the wall right back to the zero clearance fireplace box. I will replace the hearth and mantle and dress all of it with stone veneer panels. The question is which which mounting method to use? Its a small fireplace with just 18 square foot of stonework needed. I've never done masonry work and it sure appears to be a messy process to do indoors. The Versetta Stone panel's screw mounting system seems like a clean easy way to go. Or, should I use Stickystone vertical stone adhesive in a sausage gun to mount my panels? I've heard that adhesives can outgas and have an odor when they heat up. Would that be a one time occurrence or do these fireplace adhesives always smell? Can anyone share some knowledge with me? Thanks in advance.