Bad Cat. Decided she'd had enough. Just before a long stretch of real cold moving in. Brrrr.
When it begins to frustrate to keep the stove active, towards the tail end of a normal load, you are being given a clue.
The Midwest Hearth ceramic was at 3 full years of service. I had rejuvenated it successfully by washing 2 times. Once near the end of last season and once this season.
Although still functioning it is underperforming. The unit still appears pristine. It will stay on the shelf briefly as a backup.
Popped a new ceramic in tonight and away we go. Such a pleasant experience firing off a new Cat. Always amazing.
When they are done. They are done. Don't struggle
When it begins to frustrate to keep the stove active, towards the tail end of a normal load, you are being given a clue.
The Midwest Hearth ceramic was at 3 full years of service. I had rejuvenated it successfully by washing 2 times. Once near the end of last season and once this season.
Although still functioning it is underperforming. The unit still appears pristine. It will stay on the shelf briefly as a backup.
Popped a new ceramic in tonight and away we go. Such a pleasant experience firing off a new Cat. Always amazing.
When they are done. They are done. Don't struggle