I have had problems the last few days that not all my wood in my england 28-3500 furnace add (my avitar) on is not completly burning. When I first got my unit a month ago it burned hot and completly. I have noticed over the last few days that I will get up to a cold house and go and add more wood and only the front half has burned to hot coals. The back has burnt black but only about half way down. The only way that I can get red hot coals in the back is I have to completly open the bottom damper and the top damper then everything inside get red hot. Does anyone have any Ideas? Don't understand why I am starting to have this problem. I called england but as with any question I ask is I really don't know what's going on. I havn't figured out why they have a support department if I never can get an answer. This is why I am glad I found this forum.