Can we try a survey related to wood consumption? Just asking Boiler users, who are 75+% wood users, and who have a full season (or close) of data.
Responses should include:
Boiler type: Indoor or Outdoor, Gassification or Not
Building: Sq feet and relative insulation quality
Wood quality: Hard or soft, etc.
Quanity of F Fuel used for back-up:
DHW included: Yes or no
I ask because I hear fairly wild estimates of savings by gassifiers, then hear of rather large quantities of wood being consumed, then from others who seem extremly successful. I'll start with my responses in the next post.
Responses should include:
Boiler type: Indoor or Outdoor, Gassification or Not
Building: Sq feet and relative insulation quality
Wood quality: Hard or soft, etc.
Quanity of F Fuel used for back-up:
DHW included: Yes or no
I ask because I hear fairly wild estimates of savings by gassifiers, then hear of rather large quantities of wood being consumed, then from others who seem extremly successful. I'll start with my responses in the next post.