The nice steel side door 🚪 that goes out to the deck from the kitchen is on the south side and gets sizzled by the sun! Therefore it was only some time about 35 years before the external divide lites got so brittle they broke like a pretzel!! I paid $159.00 for it and to put in a new door with paint and labor is big bucks!! :-(
Thanks to Big Jim’s Home Center on S Main St in Concord NH it was cheap & easy!! They are so knowledgeable too! He said there are 2 sizes and I had the larger one 24 x 38 9 Lite The selection was amazing! The same one with exterior lites $68 or the upgraded with the lites in the glass for $128 or the upgraded for with the lites in Low E glass for $150 which is the one I got. This may keep the kitchen cooler and last longer than 35 years too!! It took about 10 whole mins for my daughter and I to popped this baby in!!
Buying a new door with paint and labor would have been a lot of money 💰
Big Jim’s saves Big Doe$$
New door at Lowes now $358 with reg glass and external divide lites!
The nice steel side door 🚪 that goes out to the deck from the kitchen is on the south side and gets sizzled by the sun! Therefore it was only some time about 35 years before the external divide lites got so brittle they broke like a pretzel!! I paid $159.00 for it and to put in a new door with paint and labor is big bucks!! :-(
Thanks to Big Jim’s Home Center on S Main St in Concord NH it was cheap & easy!! They are so knowledgeable too! He said there are 2 sizes and I had the larger one 24 x 38 9 Lite The selection was amazing! The same one with exterior lites $68 or the upgraded with the lites in the glass for $128 or the upgraded for with the lites in Low E glass for $150 which is the one I got. This may keep the kitchen cooler and last longer than 35 years too!! It took about 10 whole mins for my daughter and I to popped this baby in!!
Buying a new door with paint and labor would have been a lot of money 💰

Big Jim’s saves Big Doe$$

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