Anyone ever get a weird plastic smell? Been running my PDV for about a month off and on (winter isn't in central Ohio yet) The past few days, I have noticed a rather unpleasant hot plastic smell coming from my stove. Searched here and didn't find much other than the normal burn off smell. I am WAY past that now. I am burning Green Supreme Appalation hardwoods. I hope its not the pellets since I got 3 ton a couple weeks ago! Going to check my combustion fan intake tonight to make sure dog hair hasn't plugged up the works but after running off and on for 1 month, I cant see this being the problem. Top of stove does seem warmer than normal but this batch of GS's are small and feed faster than normal, thus producing more heat. Running on a stat and never calls for heat, so basically running on heat setting 1 all the time. Magic numbers at 1-5-1. Cleaned stove with LBT 2 weeks ago so stove is super clean. This thing stinks!