Unfortunately I'm one of those people in Colorado that has to burn a lot of pine. Tonight after I had a good bed of coals going in my Hearthstone Homestead I threw in a split that seemed to have a lot of sap on it and it exploded like you threw gas on the fire. The temperature climbed up to 500 degrees fairly quickly. I bought a new Raytec infrared thermometer to check wall temperatures and the side wall was reading 187 degrees and room temperature was 83 degrees. The interesting thing is that at that temperature I could still put my hand on the wall. The steamer on top of the stove was at 190 degrees and I could just touch my hand to it for a couple of seconds and I had to remove it. How come? Also, is this wall temperature too hot? I installed the stove according to specs of 16" from the stove to the wall.