I am decent at tree ID but sometimes, I can't identify one. Especially with leaves off trees. Around here, I know sweet gum and black gum are bad news, is just a no-go for me. Elm is hard to split but burns good. Sycamore, too, but if it's sat awhile after cutting, it splits ok; but then it doesn't burn great. Willow isn't worth it to me. We don't cotton to cottonwood around here either. Those are ones I can think of. Would you say that pretty much any hardwood other than the known bad guys will be a decent firewood and worth harvesting? I have some trees that need thinning and I don't know what they are. These are "smaller" trees, not huge. If they grow real big, I know what they are, lol. Mostly understory trees, 4" to 10" DBH.
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