I'm interested in how people are dealing with all the cabling that goes with temperature sensors. I've got a dozen sensors and I'll be adding more. The cabling is something of a disaster.
Part of the problem is that I'm measuring temperatures at points that are pretty far away, and I don't want to run a cable back from each sensor all the way to the controller.
Here's the best that I've been able to come up with so far. I'm eager to see what other ideas are out there....
I'm testing out the idea of a remote 'breakout box' that has a single cable going to the controller but supports up to four sensors. I'm using standard network cable with RJ45 connectors to go from the breakout box to the controller, and I'm using standard phone hookup wire with RJ11 jacks for the sensor leads.
The sensor in this photo is an LM35. The miniature circuit board in the cable has a couple of caps and a resistor that are necessary for long cable runs. The circuit board will be dipped in plasti-dip goo (the stuff that you dip tool handles in).
Rough costs:
Sensor , caps, resistor: $4
Phone cable: $0.01/ft (at Big Lots)
RJ11 plugs: $0.50
RJ11 jacks: $2
RJ45 jacks: $2
Cover panel: $2
Outlet box: $2
Total material cost for breakout box is about $6, and each sensor/cable assembly is about $7. This doesn't count the miniature circuit board which I made by cutting up an old protoboard.
Part of the problem is that I'm measuring temperatures at points that are pretty far away, and I don't want to run a cable back from each sensor all the way to the controller.
Here's the best that I've been able to come up with so far. I'm eager to see what other ideas are out there....
I'm testing out the idea of a remote 'breakout box' that has a single cable going to the controller but supports up to four sensors. I'm using standard network cable with RJ45 connectors to go from the breakout box to the controller, and I'm using standard phone hookup wire with RJ11 jacks for the sensor leads.
The sensor in this photo is an LM35. The miniature circuit board in the cable has a couple of caps and a resistor that are necessary for long cable runs. The circuit board will be dipped in plasti-dip goo (the stuff that you dip tool handles in).
Rough costs:
Sensor , caps, resistor: $4
Phone cable: $0.01/ft (at Big Lots)
RJ11 plugs: $0.50
RJ11 jacks: $2
RJ45 jacks: $2
Cover panel: $2
Outlet box: $2
Total material cost for breakout box is about $6, and each sensor/cable assembly is about $7. This doesn't count the miniature circuit board which I made by cutting up an old protoboard.