I am a strong advocate of using the 2 thermometer method for my stove. One on the surface and one for flu temps. When running my stove at the high side of its intended output I try to maintain no higher than 700-750 degree flu temps (although is has snuck over that a time or three) and stove temps will run around 600-650. Are these common numbers for "most" stoves? I am running a Quadrafire Isle Royale. Its a pretty good size stove with a 3 cubic foot box, but there is nothing that I can find anywhere on this. I have searched for several years and am quite simply going by my dealers verbal info. It seems to work well because my chimney sweep gets mad at me because he can only charge me for a house visit. Says he wouldn't fill a shot glass with what a sweep would create. I would like to know what you guys use for "target" temps.