Just a little story I wanted to share, maybe someone has had a similar experience?Two years ago, one cool Sept. night-I light a small fire in my old basement dragon;within seconds I hear this scratching noise from my stovepipe and I assume it's just some big old beetle or other insect in my flue.Now the wife is curious as to what it might be, so I open the door-kindling in hand-to have a peek(no glass in the door).A smoking brown bat swoops out and hits me in the leg-I thought the devil had me there for a second and by now my wife is laughing to wet herself.Ipick the thing up and run outside to put it out of its misery with a workboot.Next time I hear a noise in my stovepipe I'll let my wifeput the next split on the fire.btw-if any PETA folks read this--- the bat attacked me first;it was only self-defense.HA