Thanks Backwoods. My only complaint about the clean-out is a problem I knowingly created. I have a straight run of connector and Class A, top exit. I have no clean-out tee, no collapsible connector and no way to disconncect the flue from the stove...I built it from the top of the stove up. As a consequence, I can't clean it without taking the top of the stove off, which is a gigantic pain in the neck. As you know, there are only two 10mm bolts holding the top on, but if you have hands bigger than a Ken doll, it is a lesson in frustration and skinned knuckles, especially if you don't remove the top baffle, which is a pain in its own right. I know that some don't even bother re-bolting the lid, but something about that scares me...a hard back puff and you have a serious situation. As a compromise, I only hand tighten the bolts. Well, it is only once a year....
Do you have to break yours down to clean it, or do you have a clean-out or ability to disconnect?