Last night I was ready for bed and the stove wasn’t quite lighting up as fast as I’d like. I cracked the door to speed up the process, yeah I know. After a short time the fire was starting to go well and was about ready to have the door closed when I heard some popping coming from the double wall chimney. I quickly closed the door and turned the stove all the way down. I stepped outside and there were a good amount of embers and obvious redness coming out of the top of the triple wall pipe. I watched it and it seemed to only last 2-3 minutes before it had pretty much subsided. The double wall pipe didn’t seem to be hotter to touch than during a normal fire. The pipe cooled down to where I could lay my hand on with no issue in about 20 minutes. I let it sit on low for a little bit, then worked the stove back up to temp and turned it down for the night with everything burning well and seemingly no issues. Fortunately it was dumping rain so there was no worry about embers from the creosote lighting anything else on fire. What do you think? How serious of an issue is a short chimney fire like that? Obviously not ideal.