Hello All...
...I know this is an "old topic"...but it is rather interesting. Interesting because of all the good points brought out in these discussions. Given the "bad rap" that outdoor units (whether you want to call them "outdoor wood boilers-OWB's", water stoves or whatever else) I would like to bring up a few points...if I might be so bold:
1.) Just like anything else in America...a few "bad apples" spoil the crop. 2.)Anyone who doesn't "comply with the norm" is going to be a "target" 3.) Someone with a "persuasive" battle cry is going to lead the masses.
...Regardless of your position pro or con you had better take notice. If you burn a single stitch of wood to stay warm....what happens in regards to OWB's is likely to effect everyone. From my personal experience...the playing field isn't level. It isn't because the manufacturers' like many have said throughout this forum have been exploiting a "loop hole"...The owners' of these units by and large are not "responsible" operators...and unfortunately the mostly "ignorant" public is jumping on the "bandwagon" shouting to "squash" their use or existance....period.
...In my honest opinion these boilers are not going to advance any further because the "up-hill battle" is a losing one. The present manufacturers whether they build a better unit or not will not have a market left in a couple of years...and even if they do, there isn't going to be anyplace left to test them. OWB's are going to go the way of Nuclear Energy...A great concept, but some bad press...galvanizes the general public? Why? Irresponsible operation.
...Herein lies the danger (to quote a previous poster):
I think its been proven there are harmful things in wood smoke...unhealthy things. Maybe it’ll take a few lawsuits to make it prohibitively expensive for someone to own one. I have a right to enjoy my property, as you do yours. But when something is done on YOUR property that affects mine, something must be done. Its a no-brainer in court, and I cant beleive it hasnt been tested yet.
It does bother me (as someone who has burned wood for many years) that these units are going to be a threat to anyone who burns wood in the future. Eventually some lawyer somewhere is going to use precedents set by all the past, present, and future regulations to go after EVERYONE. soon it will be the little old couple heating their home with an old "all nighter", next the people who regulary use a fireplace, and eventually everyone who doesn't have the latest technology on their stove. Grandfathering? Kiss that principle good bye!
I wouldn't expect to see Tarm or any of the other gasification boiler makers with good ratings jumping in making an outdoor rated unit anytime soon...for the fear of 'getting egg on their face'.
As a "New Englander" I drive many miles all over these states. For ever one OWB throwing out smoke there are 10-12 people with a stove dampened out to the point of throwing out just as much smoke and particulates, burning crap wood or garbage...BUT I never see any talk of doing something about those people?
Regulating OWB's is the beginning of a "slipery slope"...with dangerous implications.
Everyone who wants to, does, or is planning to burn wood should get together as a group and work together, as a group to set principles, guidelines, ideas and be a voice for change.
Lumping every outdoor unit/installation into one broad term...and allowing the press to "sensationalize" the issue should not be tolerated...period.
What disturbs me is I hear all this talk about x-hundred feet setback this, maybe 1 mile from this & that? Even if the industry changes, design gets better...Do you really think the regulations can keep up? I have yet to hear of any regulations based on firing rates. Am I out in "left field" to suggest a boiler firing at less than 100,000 btu's/hr should have less requirements than one firing at 750,000 per hour?
I'll put it to you this way...I am a "responsible owner of an outdoor installation" who takes the same view of say a "responsible gun owner". I don't own a gun...but I sleep better at night knowing people own them and HAVE THE RIGHT TO! Enuff said?
As an American I'll tolerate quite a bit before I vehemently say BACK OFF! This country (and the state of MAssachusetts) is starting to reach the point where somebody better "rein it back in".
I have faith that I am not alone in this view after this week.
Here in my town the "powers' that be" are taking a carefull approach...and rightly so. When you start regulating how someone can heat their home you are looking at a powder keg. The town next door is interested to see how these regulations turn out because to quote an official who shall remain anonomous "...They are paranoid if they try it people are going to be bringing shot guns to the meetings...and thats' just the officials'..."
..."Tread lightly folks...It is a God given right for a New Englander to heat his home with wood..." {anonomous}
....And the Saga goes on...