Today I found out a guy who I do business with has lots of trees that have been down for 2 or so years. He said I could have all I wanted. So I loaded up my little Poulan 18" and splitting maul and went to see. What I found was a whole ton of trees from hickory to oak with pine too but in the south pine isn't considered firewood. I cut up a whole lot of rounds, mostly 12" or so. Then I went to splitting. Most split really good, but it was still green. You could smell it. When I got home I took the moisture meter to it and it was 39%. This wood was even starting to decay but not too punky. I'm talking about logs that wernt sitting on the ground but over other logs. Just because the tree has been felled definitely doesn't mean it's seasoned. I'll probably get 4-5 pickup loads out of it and maybe 10 if I can get a little bigger saw to get through the 40" diameter logs. It's nice splitting wood that's been felled that long though.