This is to give a lot of people an update on the resolution on my long thread in February that my glass was burnt. Harman stepped up to the plate after I disputed my credit cards. They sent a great dealer out, that being Home & Hearth in Hampton Falls, NH. We had a direct flame impingement. They also said our original installation was sloppy, there was no clean-out-t, there was no silicone under the (big plate outside), the flame guide was eroded and needed to be replaced, the door was replaced, and a can of paint was provided as the original dealer in Hooksett took ours prior to delivery of the stove. We were told by the techinal person at Harman that Dane Harman said the hopper extension was causing an air leak so we blocked the credit card and won that dispute. We were told that the Cheetah vacuum was only good for vacuuming hot ashes and wasn't strong, so we disputed that on Amex with original dealer and won. The original dealer came to our house to pick up the hopper extension and the Cheetah vacuum. As for the leak, we are not sure which of the above caused it, but the stove is running great. The door is heavier than the original door that came on the stove. We had Home and Hearth do the cleaning last month and I highly recommend them. As for who picked up the tab on the work, I don't know, but Home & Hearth did a fantastic job. The only good thing about our original dealer was his smile when he sold us our Harman stove. He had no knowledge or intention of ever servicing our stove. Thanks to everyone who gave me direction on the flame impingement! Dee