Since my stove was acting so poorly after I thought I had done every nook and cranny, I got so pissed I tore into it. I could never find where the exhaust passages were located; only the two side access panels to part of it. Last night I pulled out the fire tile and every loose bit I could find in the fire chamber with still no luck. I know where the inlet is located, but where the F is the exhaust?? Then, I found it by chance. I was cleaning the crap out of the heat exchange tubes and used my fingers to feel all along the upper edges in hopes of a passage (nope), when my eye finally caught it. There is a horizontal bar just inside the door, below the heat exchange chamber and there they were!! They looked clean, but I hit them with compressed duster and now the stove seems to be working the best ever. The burning pellets are dancing and the pot's not loading up. Finally
Ravelli really needs to overhaul their owners' manual with someone whose first language is English and add more detailed cleaning instructions / pics. This stove is leaving in two weeks and I can't wait! Parts are discontinued or hard to get, online help is useless, the controls are over-complicated and if you make a mistake, you have to wait for the stupid thing to go through a full clean and restart before you can make changes (no simple cancel). It came with the house and has been two years of a pain in the ass. I'm moving it to my cottage 45 minutes away and if it makes it, great; if it falls off the truck...oh well.