i am installing my Tarm 40 very soon. It has been a "moving experience" thus far. I had to move 2 oil tanks and teh hot water heater out of the way inorder to get the Tarm close to teh chimney. Not cool... or fun. However one step closer. My question is to those of you who started out without storage ...... then added it later. If you had to do it over again...would you have just done the storage all at once? I know for some money is the issue. I am in the same boat. I really don't have emough money to do storage right now... but am wondering if I should jsut borrow 5 grand... buy it and have it installed now . That way teh syte is all set and iwon't have to have it done later. Should I wait and instll storage next year when I have the 5 thousand... or borrow it and do it now while the install is happenig? not worried too much about this year as iwill keep my woodstove in living room area to deal with fall and spring seasons.