Hi all,
- Using the PelletVent Pro product line, can I achieve a 10-inch long straight section? I'm installing a Harman Accentra 2, and the combination of the angles to exhaust it leaves me in need of a 10-inch straight section. The 3-inch dia. PelletVent Pro catalog shows a 6-inch straight section and a 12-inch straight section, but nothing in between.
- Related to the above but a separate question, can I cut the PelletVent Pro extension? I'm guessing the answer is 'no' but thought I'd see what folks have to say. In particular, can I use a 6-inch pipe (3PVP-06) and an extension (3PVP-12A), and cut the extension shorter? It is my understanding that the extension has a minimum extension of 3 inches, but of course it would completely cover the 6-inch pipe if I connected them together with the extension at its shortest. I've looked closely at on-line images of the extension and it looks like the gasket (o-ring) is near the end of the extension, so it appears that cutting the extension shorter would also cut off the gasket portion.