PE Alderlea T5 Classic Insert:

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Oct 31, 2011
Michigan - United States
I am in the process of purchasing a PE Alderlea Classic T5 insert. Is the model new this year or has it been available in prior years? The dealer says he may have problems getting this unit anytime soon as PE says they may not be available until early 2012. :ahhh:
I had minimal options due to existing clearances. The VC Montpieler was my #1 choice but was shown the PE T5 & decided to go with it. The PE just seemed more robust, better warranty, & just as easy on the eyes. It's going in our family room which is where we usually hang out. The PE has a slightly smaller fire box but still is rated at 72k btu for up to a 2000 sq ft house. I'm hoping he can get the unit soon because it's getting quite chilly here oin Michigan.
Here is a pic of my existing (worthless) fireplace.
All comments are welcome.



  • [] PE Alderlea T5 Classic Insert:
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I think the PE will work fine for you and seems to be preferred over the VC in general by folks on here, although VC's reputation seems to be gradually improving. I beleive the T5 insert was new last year. The most important thing is do you have a good supply of dry wood. It's hard to buy good dry wood this time of year (most "seasoned" wood is not dry emough to burn well in a modern EPA stove or insert).
The T5 "Classic" is (or will be) a T5 insert with a porcelain finish in glossy black or brown. The scuttlebutt I got is PE's porcelainizing plant is booked solid trying to keep up with the mid-season demand for existing porcelain models. The first runs for the T5 Classic are scheduled for late December, and they anticipate shipping around the first week of January. In the meantime, T5 inserts in the standard metallic black painted finish are readily available.

Thanks for the reply. Early January seems a long ways down the road. I really hate to have to wait 2 more months. I guess unless I get some good news about avalability for the brown T5 classic from my dealer, we may have to settle for the black.
My T6 is plain black and I think it's a beaut just like it is....That being said I have seend a T5 that was porcelain coated and it was mesmerizing.....Good Luck with the decision
:-) :lol: :cheese: :wow:

Talked to my dealer today & he found a T5 Classic Brown Insert at a distributor in Nebraska. Awesome !!! I guess PE must have had an earlier run than planned. I'm more than happy I we don't have to wait until after the first of the year. Install target date on the 21st or 22nd this month. Ready to get some heat flowing. It's been almost 14 years since we lived in our prior house with the free standing Auroa wood stove.
I chimney is on a outside wall. Do I go with a blockoff plate or not?????

Good news. With an external chimney I would add a block-off plate, or at least a very good packing of Roxul. The less masonry you heat up, the less heat loss to outdoors.
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