Pays to shop - two stroke oil

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Jul 11, 2008
Northern NH
Last week I discovered I was out of two stroke oil. I normally go for the convenience and buy the six packs of husky oil that make up 1 gallon batches at 50 to 1 rather than trying to measure the stuff (I wish someone sold it in container with a built in measring section like Stabil). Labonville's was closed so I went to Tractor Supply across the street. $2 a container for Jonsered. I picked up 2. Sat AM I stop by Labonville's as I needed more. $7 for six pack of the Husky version.
Last week I discovered I was out of two stroke oil. I normally go for the convenience and buy the six packs of husky oil that make up 1 gallon batches at 50 to 1 rather than trying to measure the stuff. ...

IMO, there's lots more involved here than price. To me it's first and foremost the specs the oil meets, then the price.
For "two birds with one stone" whenever I'm bundling an order for Bailey's I'll be sure to include a 6-pack of 12.8 oz bottles of WoodlandPro full synthetic oil, if I'm getting low. Five gallons of mix per each @ 50:1. Best quality & price. My idea of convenience. :cool: Saws are happy, too.
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