Last spring after that long cold winter, I found myself short of fact I had burned my entire stockpile by the January 20th I was in major scrounge mode and stopped by a local property owner to inquire about some standing dead trees that I noticed. The property owned declined my generous offer to clean up that woodlot. It seems a brother had stated an interest in the wood and was soon to get busy. So I turned my attention to some other standing dead wood in the neighborhood and made it through the winter cutting standing deadwood every weekend. Fun stuff! So throughout the summer I kept an eye on that woodlot to witness the brothers progress. There was none. Fall comes along and still no sign of brother so last week I stop by the property owner's house and mentioned that I'd be happy to take all that dead wood outta there for them. Really clean it up by cutting only dead stuff....What da ya know...if brother hasn't got to it by now, he's probably not that interested...+ there is plenty of wood there...Ahh Go Ahead! So Today I had a little time to do some exploratory cutting...only a trailers worth but get this: It Locust Standing Dead Locust!! Hauled home, bucked, split and stacked. Score!