P43 flame is different this year.

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Feeling the Heat
Feb 13, 2012
Cleaned it before it was fired up. Run maybe 20 bags through it so far, I noticed that the flame is not as large or as tall as it always was in past years. Same pellets I have been using for maybe 9 years. Appalachian Wood Pellets (AWP). In the past it would have tall flames that would come far above the flame deflector and close to the top of the stove, but in the picture I have added this is the new normal height of the flame. It doesn't seem to put off as much heat either.

I shut it down today and went over it again, made sure the holes are cleaned out, I took the combustion fan off and cleaned it well and put it back on, blew out the hole in the top of the burn pot at the back.

I have new door gasket material coming, but the door seems to shut tight, I can pull a dollar out of it in some spots but it isn't an easy pull and other spots it won't move at all.

12 years old have replaced the combustion motor twice because of bearing noise. Runs off a Skytech remote thermostat in manual mode most of the winter

Any Ideas from the experts here. Thank you.


  • [Hearth.com] P43 flame is different this year.
    34.1 KB · Views: 49
What are your settings and mode that you are running at (picture of the control panel would be best)? Did your feed rate get bumped down by chance?

Did you check the incoming air to make sure there isn't a foreign object obstructing the air? Is the flapper working as it should? Have the ashes been cleaned out underneath the burn pot - and way back where the air comes in? Was the plate under the burn pot put back on correctly (physically remove it and reinstall it - don't go by looks). Is the fines plate installed correctly (again, remove and install).

If all of that is correct, just for giggles, check that the room air probe is securely attached to the back of the stove, Try to wiggle it around and if it does, gently wiggle it until it feels like it is back in place. I had my P61a go into pretty much maintenance mode from that one time (yes, I know it is supposed to give a blink code, but it didn't' - it was supremely confused so just sat there on simmer after lighting up).

You could also try cleaning the ESP with a brush.
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Running in manual mode, I usually run the feed at 3 and did bump it up to 4 and it did start giving me ash up on the edge of the pot at 3 there wasn't much there.

The plate under the pot is on and tight I always double check this because it can hang up on the igniter bolts and the ash is out from under the pot. I will usually take the plate off and clean it out then turn on the test mode and the fan to push the ash out of the hole should any have gotten in there. I blew out the two holes at the top of the pot on the back just below the deflector, they come up from under the pot.

The air intake had me wondering I need to figure out how to get in to it, I had wondered if something could have gotten in from outside and cause restriction. I need to pull the cover over the combustion motor to see if I can get to it. This is something I have never cleaned or checked before. I will check the fines plate, I did not remove it this time but did just before firing it up this season.

The thermister wires on the back, I believe is what you are referring to when you mention room temp probe, is where the remote receiver is hooked to for the skytech 3301 is the model I think, it has a receiver and then a remote thermostat that I always keep on top of the heat pump thermostat.

The ESP is was removed and cleaned with the cleaning before the season started, I do that when I run the 4" brush through the pipe, it is a straight through the wall exhaust with the OAK.

Here is the picture of the control settings tat I currently have these are what is was when I took the picture of the flame last night.

Appreciate you input and thoughts, thank you.


  • [Hearth.com] P43 flame is different this year.
    101.5 KB · Views: 37
I always run my P61A on 4 and 4, room temp or stove temp on high/max and never have an issue with lazy or low flame…r
. Time for the Leafblower trick maybe?
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What would the leaf blower do, thought that was just for cleaning the exhaust.
Leaf lower will remove any and all possible blockages if it’s a lack of air issue…I’ve even taken compressed air to the firebox while he leaf lower is in use, unbelievable how much hidden stuff comes out…just a suggestion
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One year I found a small piece of plastic (saran type) that had either traveled thru the P61a's OAK to just inside the air intake, or had always lain in the OAK (from the packaging) and got dislodged. Even the LBT didn't help that - LOL.
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Okay, I will look at the leaf blower, I have one just need to figure out ow to adapt it to the end of the pipe. Of course when it warms up some.
I did bump the feed rate to 5 and I am getting better flame, who knows could just be the pellets this year. I may go to lowes or tractor supply and pick up 4 or 5 bags and try them to see if I have the same issue.

Thanks for the thoughts and ideas.
Have you tried moving the room/stove temp dial to high?
I have not moved it to high, I do move it at times just so it is not in one spot constantly.

Pellets are the same I have been using for probably 9 years. I may go find a different brand and buy a few bags over the weekend and try them, just to try to rule out stove or pellet issue
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Still trying to get his to work as it should, different pellets did not make a difference. II have not done the leaf blower thing as it as been cold and snowy and I have issues walking on dry ground, snow covered is something I try to limit myself doing.

when I get back today I am going to shut it down and have a look at the intake on the back of the stove.

I am not sure but I do not think the combustion blower is ramping up when the thermostat calls for heat. I assume the board varies the voltage to the motor during operation and it turn faster when the stove is on compared to wen it is just burning in manual mode.

So once shut down I will put a meter on the leads to the motor, and turn to test, manual says all motors run at full for 1 minute I believe and then the combustion blower will run on low, so I should see a different voltage I am thinking. If that is correct that would rule out the control board in my mind, and I may have to replace the blower motor again.

Any thoughts on my process of troubleshooting are appreciated.
Spent saturday afternoon working on it. I did check voltage 120 on high and 116 low, I tried to find a new combustion motor but the dealer I bought my last one from maybe 3 years ago is no longer a dealer and they checked the parts they have left and none. I called one a little further way and they told me if I gave them a model number and part number they could order one. Then I remembered I replaced the bearings in the one I took out So I hooked it up before putting it in and it came on but would not shut off. Not sure why but when I turned the test knob to a number it kept running, had to unplug the stove to get it to stop. So I just put the one I just took out back in. bearings are loose and starting to make noise on it also. I will be ordering one from somewhere tomorrow.
Cleaned everything up again, pulled the board out to look for any obvious burns and cleaned the fines catcher out, no fine only pellets, it usually has few pellets but lot of dust. Since I wasn't going to use the leaf blower on it I pulled the flex out of the OAK and stuck my shop vac hose inside it and blew through it, I did take the plate off under the burn pot also, left it in a minute or so until it looked like not much was being blown around and then put the hose in the part to the outside and left it run some. There was a lot of stuff come out of the air wash, some dirt from under the burn pot with some unburnt dust and small pellet pieces.

Put it allback together and set the feed back to 3 and fire it up andit is working as it always has nice tall flame and heating better. Not sure what actually cured this issue, it really didn't seem like much of anything came out when I blew into the stove and no idea about what was blown away in the wall thimble. Now to get a new quieter motor on it.

Probably going to order from Earth Sense, factory Harman or the aftermarlet blower? Is one better than the other?

thank you to all that gave advice and suggestions, appreciate your time.
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I’ve had success with the aftermarket blower…you could also try some 3 in 1 oil on the bearings of your existing motors bearings…I did this on mine with 3 months left in the season and it worked until warm enough to pull my stove and replace
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Did you put it in a syringe to get inside the rubber shield on the bearing. I had thought after the fact of course, I should have removed the rubber and pack some lucas red grease in them.
I’ve never removed the seal no, just a few drops of 3 in 1 every now and then, I have replaced the bearings on a few motors though, and new bearings from Motion with metal seals