I have an old breckwell p23fs pellet stove. My grandpa has had it for over 25 years and I have his house now. I’ve been using it for about 3 years with a bad low limit switch. And I was researching some today and it says it’s not a good idea to use it with a bad high limit but nothing about the low limit. I know I need to replace it but I don’t see how to install it as there’s no mount on the back my current switch is just laying there. Now when I start my stove I have to manually feed it for about 30-40 minutes until I hear a click in the back and then it will start to feed itself. Then when I shut the stove off I just have to unplug it from the wall. For sure a pain the ass. But I’m more worried about it being a safety hazard. Any concerns? It just brought it to my mind since I had it on setting C today and it was putting off pretty good heat. thanks any help.