Hi all
Need some help before I lose it...
I am a consturction pro, however I do not know everthing
please help
I setup the stove in my open basement which is 20x30 old house 1890's cut vents worked great for about a month.
using home depot and lowes pellets
keep having problems with it shutting off with error "E" means auger stuck or to much air
air ajusted to min same problem.
reset auger dumps pellets, I'm so confused its driving me nuts
everyday I vaccum with shop vac and blow out exhaust and exchanger.
takes few try's after this and it goes great for the night, sometimes about 10 tries it goes, then we shut it down when we leave for work and the problem starts all again that night. please help I do love the stove and it has saved us a ton of money but now is it worth the aggrivation???
bought it new in december, 2nd hand but new the previous owner went with iron because of children.
Need some help before I lose it...
I am a consturction pro, however I do not know everthing

I setup the stove in my open basement which is 20x30 old house 1890's cut vents worked great for about a month.
using home depot and lowes pellets
keep having problems with it shutting off with error "E" means auger stuck or to much air
air ajusted to min same problem.
reset auger dumps pellets, I'm so confused its driving me nuts
everyday I vaccum with shop vac and blow out exhaust and exchanger.
takes few try's after this and it goes great for the night, sometimes about 10 tries it goes, then we shut it down when we leave for work and the problem starts all again that night. please help I do love the stove and it has saved us a ton of money but now is it worth the aggrivation???
bought it new in december, 2nd hand but new the previous owner went with iron because of children.