Stentor, when you consider how far these bags have to travel and how many times they get handled, I guess one of the trade offs for having a great pellet is a tad more fines in a bag. You might understand that the pellet is made and bagged in BC, railed across the country to usually one of two reloads either in southern Quebec or Central MA, where they are unloaded and then reloaded onto trucks to the various different dealers in the NE. They then unload the truck and then usually load onto another truck to be delivered to your home. All the moving around may create some more fines in a bag, but the trade off is probably one of the very best pellet available in the NE today. Very high heat and extremely low ash is what you will get from this pellet. This is really the first time I have heard that someone wasn't happy with the amount in a bag, but then again you can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time.
There is also a difference between an Eastern Canadian product such as Energex or LG and something that comes form BC or Alberta. The western Canadian product will typically come from the interior of BC where they produce what is referred to as a SPF grade of lumber (Spruce, Pine and Fir...thus SPF) ....... The vast majority of what is found in this grade is spruce and pine...which is what is found in the OK pellets. ..........
Again, IMHO the Western Canadian products will produce the highest heat and the least amount of ash of just about any pellet available in the NE area. That is what you are buying, not if it's a hardwood or softwood product. You are buying heat and how much mess is left over. Okanagan, which is has a very good rep on this board, and Spruce Pointe, Eagle Valley, Sure Fire, Pinnacle, and Dragon Mtn are all examples of this. ..... Mtn