First of all what a pleasure it is to find this website! I've been reading for a bit before posting and the knowledgebase of the contributors here is impressive. Since you also seem quite generous with your advice I turn to you as I'm planning the install of my first pellet stove, a brandy new Harman. I need to use an outside air kit because of the placement of the windows along the wall. My buddy up north has his vent pipe go up along the wall a few feet and then turn and go out. He says he gets the heat from the pipe that way before it exits the house. It makes sense to me, but if possible I also would like to use the one-hole-for-both piece I saw at the stove store with connections for the both the vent pipe and the hose for intake air. I've only ever seen that piece used for straight horizontal pipe venting. But can it also be used for an up-a-few-feet-then-out vent pipe setup? Maybe there are other considerations I'm overlooking?