I purchase 6 tons last year from pelletsales.com@
$249.00 a ton now i go on there site, there early buy
for my Zip Code is @ $299.00 without delivery..
Lasy year diesal was $5 a gallon now its more than half the price cheaper for there delivery
and they still have some b*lls to charge that much!
We cant win people they there starting to gauge theses pellets
just got oil the other day $1.69 gallon....... Cant win
Long Island N.Y anyone on LI no a good
pelletr place to purchase ill rent a truck
and pick up then pay $300 for a ton?
$249.00 a ton now i go on there site, there early buy
for my Zip Code is @ $299.00 without delivery..
Lasy year diesal was $5 a gallon now its more than half the price cheaper for there delivery
and they still have some b*lls to charge that much!
We cant win people they there starting to gauge theses pellets
just got oil the other day $1.69 gallon....... Cant win
Long Island N.Y anyone on LI no a good
pelletr place to purchase ill rent a truck
and pick up then pay $300 for a ton?