I inherited a Quadrafire Trekker with a Bluetooth Thermostat and the unit worked ok for 9 months. Got Error Message 3 and found out the control board was bad. Bought the $499 new board/wired thermostat package and installed it. Pellet stove worked great. I got greedy and saw someone that had installing a Nest Thermostat with (low voltage door bell transformer). I installed it yesterday and it worked fine for a day, then it disconnected from the wifi. This morning it worked after I bypassed the app and wifi (since it wouldn't connect) controlled it normally and left for work and it was turned off. When I got home today the unit is dead. And I mean dead. The blower won't come on when I connect it. No lights. I checked the outlet and what I believe is snap #3... things seem fine but I have no power. I'm so done with this, I just replace the igniter and now the board and thermostat..... I'm afraid I burned another board. Please help. Also I'm so new at this and when I google items I find a lot of items and images of other units but not on the trekker. Thanks Sue