New Woodstock Absolute Steel review - love this stove

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John B

Sep 26, 2012
Recently my wife and I decided we wanted to replace the FV-201 Fireview that came with the house. While this is a very nice stove, we were not huge fans of the soapstone look nor the way the controls on the loading door were setup. I figured we could sell the stove and get a decent amount of money for it since it was in nice shape.

We looked at a lot of stoves but decided our best bet was a side or top loader due to our hearth clearances and design. Being familiar with Woodstock stoves, the Absolute Steel seemed like the obvious choice. We also considered the VC Encore but the Absolute was priced much better on the 40th anniversary sale and has a larger capacity firebox. We also really liked the unique look of the stove.

Picking colors was difficult. There are so many color choices and the photos really dont do a good job showing the differences between the colors (especially the charcoal and matte black body options). In the end we went with the black figuring it would give a nice contrast to the Mahogany color we chose for the design. We are happy with the color choice, but I suspect the charcoal color would make the stove appear cleaner as it does get dirty through normal use.

Woodstock, as everyone says, was an absolute pleasure to deal with. We called to change our color choice at one point but this was no issue. The stove was ready 1.5 weeks earlier than promised which was a treat. I took the ride up to NH to pick up the stove and really enjoyed seeing the factory and showroom. I actually wish we could have gone to their open house but we were not in the market for a stove at that time.

Getting the stove installed was a chore, but my wife and I managed to get it in place ourselves. We didnt run the stove for a few weeks as I was waiting for the stove pipe to come on the slow boat (note: dont select free shipping from northlineexpress if you want something quick).

Our first few fires were low as to break in the stove and bake on the paint. Paint smell was there but not nearly as bad as I had been lead to believe, and I suspect some of that is due to us letting it sit for a few weeks. After a few fires we decided it was time to let this stove spread its wings and take off on one particularly cold night. All I have to say is WOW, this stove can throw some heat. Always having had cat stoves in the past, watching the secondaries light off for the first time was a treat, and the whole family was huddled around the stove watching the show.

I will say, as some have noted, this stove is a bit slow to take off with warmer outside temps but I theorize that some of that is due to my draft being cut by the two 90 degree turns in the exhaust path, and the fact that I have a masonry unlined 8x8 terracotta chimney combined with the somewhat restrictive path inside the stove. Now that we understand the stove we get it to take off pretty quickly, my wife particularly being the master of running this stove. Also once the outside temp gets to be under 25 the stove will take off very fast.

With the soapstone interior, this stove holds heat for a very long time. Its not uncommon for us to load it at 6PM and still have coals and a nice 68 degree temp in the house when I leave at 7AM the next morning. The ash pan system works great and with the metal cover makes no mess when transporting the ashes outside.

I am considering making one modification, which I read about in the Ideal Steel thread, which is to make a small cover-able air inlet on the ash pan door. Im not totally sold on this yet but thinking about it, mostly just to help with startup. We haven't had any issues with it coaling up yet so Im still up in the air on this.

Overall, my wife and I are very pleased with stove and would recommend it to anyone looking for a reasonably priced and highly efficient EPA stove. This stove is now the centerpiece of our living room and we are constantly getting comments on how nice it is by guests. We couldn't be happier with this purchase.
[] New Woodstock Absolute Steel review - love this stove
Not many have gone from a Fireview to an Absolute. It would be interesting to hear about the differences as you use it more.
Keep in mind we had the FV201 which is the older version of the Fireview, made prior to 1994. Overall this new stove puts out significantly more heat than the FV did, and seems to run alot longer on a load of wood. I cant comment on how it work vs the newer Fireview model.
It's good to hear this is working out well for you. Thanks for the review.
I am considering making one modification, which I read about in the Ideal Steel thread, which is to make a small cover-able air inlet on the ash pan door. Im not totally sold on this yet but thinking about it, mostly just to help with startup. We haven't had any issues with it coaling up yet so Im still up in the air on this.
Don't do this. It will most likely void the warranty and may damage the stove, especially if someone spaces out turning down the stove on start up (and we all get distracted at one time or another).
How long is an average burn?
I am getting 8-12 hours depending on how hard I run it and how much I put in. This stove puts out so much heat that we can pretty quickly get the area up to 75 so we havent been filling it up fully. Its a bigger stove than the space needed.
It's good to hear this is working out well for you. Thanks for the review.

Don't do this. It will most likely void the warranty and may damage the stove, especially if someone spaces out turning down the stove on start up (and we all get distracted at one time or another).

I'm not going to do it, the stove have been running well and I see no need. Havent had the same coaling up issues as we were having with the old FV it replaced.
It's good to hear this is working out well for you. Thanks for the review.

Don't do this. It will most likely void the warranty and may damage the stove, especially if someone spaces out turning down the stove on start up (and we all get distracted at one time or another).
I 100 % agree with the (don't do this) reply,
I was thinking of a modification also, that would allow the coal bed to be reduced in depth during cold spell continuous burns.
One day the coal bed was so deep they spilled out as I opened the loading door.
So i cracked the ash pan just a little, went to kitchen to make a sandwich, less than 10 minutes later heard a loud pop sound.
Investigation revealed that the excess heat generated below the ash grates had warped
The ash pan.
The pop sound was the pan bowing up and contacting the frame.
Was able to straighten pan after it cooled.
Now we put primary air on #4, place cat lever in bypass( if probe is below 500degrees).
Couple hrs later coal bed is small enough to rake & reload.
( modern woodstove newbie here, still learning).
Heading into our 3rd year with this stove, I figured I would give an update. This stove continues to be a dream to run and enjoy as the centerpiece of our living room (we get a lot of comments on how much people love how it looks). Other than routine cleanings we have had no issues or concerns with the stove, and it continues to put out big heat and make the most of a load of wood. We haven't had any issues with it coaling up either, and I find just enough coals after 12-18 hours to easily restart the next load.

We love it so much in fact, that last weekend we just picked up an Ideal Steel from Woodstock to replace a Kuma Sequoia on the other side of the house which we have been unhappy with since I installed it 3 years ago. I am just finishing the break in fires on the Ideal and look to have a real review in the next week or so, but so far its been the same great woodstock experience with that unit as well! Cant wait to let her rip!
Heading into our 3rd year with this stove, I figured I would give an update. This stove continues to be a dream to run and enjoy as the centerpiece of our living room (we get a lot of comments on how much people love how it looks). Other than routine cleanings we have had no issues or concerns with the stove, and it continues to put out big heat and make the most of a load of wood. We haven't had any issues with it coaling up either, and I find just enough coals after 12-18 hours to easily restart the next load.

We love it so much in fact, that last weekend we just picked up an Ideal Steel from Woodstock to replace a Kuma Sequoia on the other side of the house which we have been unhappy with since I installed it 3 years ago. I am just finishing the break in fires on the Ideal and look to have a real review in the next week or so, but so far its been the same great woodstock experience with that unit as well! Cant wait to let her rip!

If I may ask, why didn't you like the Kuma?
If I may ask, why didn't you like the Kuma?

A couple of reasons:
1) I didnt like the noisy blower, and it bothered me that I needed to run that blower even if the power was out to get any heat output (I had it as an insert)
2) It couldn't control the draft of my tall chimney very well and I felt like the cat lit off inconsistently (sometimes it would light immediately other times I'd sit there and wait for ages). The cats also didnt seem to last very long.
Did you leave the 8" liner in from the Kuma?
Yes, I spoke to woodstock and they recommended I give it a try. I ended up with a 45 degree elbow coming right off the new stove then an expander to the 8" liner. Seems to be working well and drafting nicely.
Beautiful stove and so glad you are happy with it ....I would pick the taller one for it might be better on the back from bending too low..Looks beautiful..clancey
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Figured to add to this thread. Having had an Ideal Steel Hybrid stove for into our 3rd year now.

It is awesome. Having had several wood stoves throughout time, equating to much experience, not the least of which has been cutting and (hand) splitting many many cords of wood... this Ideal Steel Hybrid has been a dream.

With properly seasoned wood, we are getting easily 10-16 hours of heat depending on the weather. Like right now, high winds, -6, snowing.. here on the front range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains... and we are humming along in an 1800 sq ft 1907 kinda drafty but reasonably insulated Victorian.

Admit when I first was musing about the firebox size, going down from a 3.75 cu ft smoke dragon to this 2.45 cu ft, was hesitant. Quickly got over that. Build a good fire which means bring the cat up to heat, and off you go. For hours. On other stoves, was in the habit of getting up to feed the stove(s) about 6 hours into a burn. Not so now. I anticipate for instance this eve, getting the firebox loaded to optimal, prepping the fresh wood for a few minutes, and not thinking about it for at least 10 hours. Love burning 1/3rd to 1/2 less wood, for much more sustained heat. And also like that we downsized by almost 1/3rd from that last 3.75 cu dragon, and gained more heat, for longer burn times.

To be accurate, I did try to bring in a top 'o the line cat stove, super popular, but had so much difficulty with draft issues. Try and I might, I could never chase down, why. 27' flue and felt that was more than sufficient. But we had more problems and finally had to get rid of rid. This Ideal Steel Hybrid tho went right in and never had a whit of draft issues that I was experiencing with the prior cat stove. Scratch head. Anywayz...

And yes... dealing with the company is also a dream. Super helpful. Friendly. The best.

Love this Ideal Steel Hybrid. I would do it again.

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Thanks so much for coming back to an older thread and giving us an update. Super helpful. Glad you love your stoves!

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Thanks so much for coming back to an older thread and giving us an update. Super helpful. Glad you love your stoves!

I need to make a correct in my prior post and this one. I misquoted the model. I have the Absolute Steel, not the Ideal Steel. I'd just finished meandering around the site, looking at the current offerings, and I transposed the model stoves in my head, then fingers. I have the Absolute Steel Stove. 2.45 cu firebox. Not the AS. Sigh.

You bet. As said, this stove has been a dream. Like right now, we're hovering at a balmy -10 on the front range of the Colorado Rockies. Just finishing a 14 hour burn, then will fill 'er up for overnight.

It has been great. Highly recommend this stove. So many pluses to it, one of them being to get this much heat for so long out of the 2.45 cu firebox... boggles the mind. But 'tis true.

Oh, if there was one thing I would do differently, and this is purely a personal thing... I would have ordered and tried the higher legs. I think it would be interesting, and cool, to give that a go. I know it would make for easier cleaning, at least in my configuration. Have no idea what it would do to the performance of the AS? Higher legs = better performance? Not better performance. No clue. But that would be the only thing I would change in my choice of another Absolute Steel stove. I don't even know if they come with that option any more.

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I need to make a correct in my prior post and this one. I misquoted the model. I have the Absolute Steel, not the Ideal Steel. I'd just finished meandering around the site, looking at the current offerings, and I transposed the model stoves in my head, then fingers. I have the Absolute Steel Stove. 2.45 cu firebox. Not the AS. Sigh.

You bet. As said, this stove has been a dream. Like right now, we're hovering at a balmy -10 on the front range of the Colorado Rockies. Just finishing a 14 hour burn, then will fill 'er up for overnight.

It has been great. Highly recommend this stove. So many pluses to it, one of them being to get this much heat for so long out of the 2.45 cu firebox... boggles the mind. But 'tis true.

Oh, if there was one thing I would do differently, and this is purely a personal thing... I would have ordered and tried the higher legs. I think it would be interesting, and cool, to give that a go. I know it would make for easier cleaning, at least in my configuration. Have no idea what it would do to the performance of the AS? Higher legs = better performance? Not better performance. No clue. But that would be the only thing I would change in my choice of another Absolute Steel stove. I don't even know if they come with that option any more.

I loved your reviews. This was extremely helpful, and I plan to order one today. You mentioned that the stove was more than you needed for your space. I'm curious what your square footage is.
Thanks for taking the time; it has been really helpful in making a decision.
