New Member with an old stove

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New Member
Sep 23, 2024
North Carolina
Greetings All, new member here having just found this GREAT forum this morning. I’ve already learned more about my Fisher stove than I have in the last 25 yrs!
Pretty sure its a Mama Bear.
  • Top width = 17.5 inches (single piece bent to shape - not welded)
  • Length = 29.5 without ash fender
  • Height = 30.25 inches
  • Door is cast
    • Patent number = D237798 (other patents pend.)
    • 4 trees
    • 2 draft controls, ribbed
  • Stove outlet:
    • OD=6.0 inches
    • ID = 5.74 inches
  • Chimney thimble:
    • ID = 6.5 inches
    • Centerline of thimble is 42 inches
  • There is a partial tag under ash fender reading:
    • Made by Husston C - -(?) Kansas
    • S/N FS201 2447
  • No other markings are to be found on the stove but there was another sticker at one time because the outline is still visible.
I have used the stove in my wood shop for years and it has and continues to provide reliable service.

My problem is the stove pipe has never been been correctly installed due to the size of the stove outlet - exactly 6 inches OD same size as 6 inch stove pipe OD! I’ve jury-rigged / crimped for years but would like to install the pipe correctly this year.
I read about Dura-Vents here this morning and am wondering if the 6 inch Dura-Vent would be the best approach to solve the problem once and for all.

Any info/recommendations greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Are you looking at DuraVent's DVL double-walled stove pipe? If so, the DVL adapter is 6" OD and 5.675" ID at the crimped end so it may not fit too well. DuraBlack single-wall it 6" OD the adapter is 5 15/16" on the crimped end. Not an ideal fit.
Not sure what I was looking at!😄 I saw DuraVent mentioned in one post as a possible fix for the stove outlet without crimping the pipe. I'm currently using single wall 6 inch pipe that I crimped to fit into the outlet. It works but the fit is far from perfect.
That's what is typical. Back when the stove was made there weren't that many options.
If your stove is rear or side vent, slide a Tee over the outlet pipe and cap the bottom.

For the correct fit inside, it was customary to go around the male crimped end with a pair of hand crimpers until small enough to fit. This was needed on all stoves of that time period. Prying outward as you crimp prevents a funnel shape at the end.
Thanks Coaly! The stove is rear vent. I assume this would be a 6 inch TEE - right? The "free/down" end of the Tee would be capped (do they make a cap for this purpose?) and my 6 inch pipe would go into the "up" end with the 6 inch elbow on top of that and another 6 inch pipe going into chimney thimble. Did I get the configuration right? If so, headed to store - Big Box, Tractor Supply or Ace for parts.
Thanks so much! Will be nice to have it configured correctly.
One last question: Assume there will be some condensate/creosote drip from "capped down end" - correct?
Correct. The side of the Tee fits over the pipe well. Little to no condensing if keeping the flue temperature correct. It will evaporate in the cap. 3 screws to each joint.
Well, must not be holding my mouth right! I got an Imperial brand Tee from Lowes and have been "beatin' and bangin" and can't get the Tee to slip over the stove sleeve! I even took a flap disc and removed a little metal/rust from the sleeve and still no-go. I've beat the Tee up to the point that I doubt if it's returnable.
As you can tell, I was somewhat impatient and may have jumped the gun. Do you think another brand of Tee will fit; is there a particular brand that you would recommend?
Sorry to be such a high-maintenance new member! Back to the shop for more study while awaiting your reply
Duravent makes a skirted adapter that works perfectly for these stoves
Well, after additional beating and banging and much gnashing of teeth, I got the Tee to slide onto the stove sleeve. It's not on all the way but looks like far enough. I was able to move the stove back into position and elevated just right for the entire assembly to center the thimble. I guess either the stove sleeve was a tad oversize or the Tee was a tad under or a combination of the two. Looks like the connections are tight but will do a test burn just to be sure b/4 cold weather gets here.
Many thanks to all who offered suggestion/ideas especially Coaly who provided the final configuration I chose. Would still be interested in your recommendation of Tees just in case more work is needed later.

A Great forum for novice and old pro alike!!
Well, after additional beating and banging and much gnashing of teeth, I got the Tee to slide onto the stove sleeve. It's not on all the way but looks like far enough. I was able to move the stove back into position and elevated just right for the entire assembly to center the thimble. I guess either the stove sleeve was a tad oversize or the Tee was a tad under or a combination of the two. Looks like the connections are tight but will do a test burn just to be sure b/4 cold weather gets here.
Many thanks to all who offered suggestion/ideas especially Coaly who provided the final configuration I chose. Would still be interested in your recommendation of Tees just in case more work is needed later.

A Great forum for novice and old pro alike!!

Forgot to mention you had to wait until January to take the stove outside overnight, then heat the Tee in a 450* oven for an hour and run outside with it to slip on the stove!

But seriously don't know what the problem could have been. So far I’ve had any female pipe ends from an elbow or Tee fit over the old outlet pipe without getting the pipe stretcher out.
Forgot to mention you had to wait until January to take the stove outside overnight, then heat the Tee in a 450* oven for an hour and run outside with it to slip on the stove!

But seriously don't know what the problem could have been. So far I’ve had any female pipe ends from an elbow or Tee fit over the old outlet pipe without getting the pipe stretcher out.
I dont know i have had to use a ball peen hammer many times to stretch pipe or fittings to fit over. That's why we now carry the skirted adapters
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Well, gee whiz Coaly thanks a bunch!:eek: That's a pretty important point! Actually, heat is the one thing I didn't think of and it should have been the first! Like the old saying: "Of all the things I've lost in my life, I miss my mind the most!!
I think it was a combination of the sleeve OD and the Tee ID. Anyway, its on there now. If it falls off, you're off of my Christmas card list!
Thanks bholler, I already had the parts when I saw your original note. I'll surely keep the skirted adapters in mind next time.
I had same issues. I took my tee and hammered the end while turning it on an anvil. The corner of your stove is probably good enough. This flattens the metal while also making the hole of the tee bigger. Took me about 5 minutes and now it slips on perfectly.
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I had same issues. I took my tee and hammered the end while turning it on an anvil. The corner of your stove is probably good enough. This flattens the metal while also making the hole of the tee bigger. Took me about 5 minutes and now it slips on perfectly.
Yes that's what I normally do
Thanks guys. I initially tried to hammer out the Tee with a claw hammer - couldn't find the ball peened anywhere. As I said, its on but not all the way. If it comes loose, I'll remove all current connections, buy a new ball peen and loose my religion again!!!😆
Really appreciate all the advice.