New Encore 2044-Cat-C, any experience?

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Jul 1, 2018
Upstate New York
Just bought new Encore 2044-Cat-C after running a 1975 Defiant (non-cat) for nearly 44 years on interior masonry chimney. (8x8 clay liner w/Vermiculite insulation fill around flue).
Looks like I’ll have start at the bottom of the learning curve to get it operating correctly. Have also ordered an Auber AT200 with high temp probe for internal stack temp monitoring. I would also like to monitor cat temps digitally, so I assume I will need an additional probe for that. Does the Auber have provisions for two probes? (Aside from the STT magnetic unit)
I have always monitored internal stack temps in my Defiant, and never a chimney fire, so I’ll continue the practice with the Encore.
Thank you for your thoughts.